Have you ever been to a party on the roof of a multi-story hotel, or any building come to that? You have? Okay, did it have a beach with lapping waves and warm sand – and maybe a shark fin cruising the shallows? Admit it, you haven’t.
Between 7 and 11pm, (SLT) on Saturday September 18, Hotel Chelsea will host its END-OF-SUMMER ROOFTOP PARTY with an eclectic line-up of live musical entertainment. An old open tray truck half in the water provides a fitting stage for the performers (it is SL after-all).
Getting to the rooftop venue can be an adventure in itself. Of course you can TP there directly, but where’s the fun in that? To get a true sense of the height of the hotel, why not use the stairwell and take the time to appreciate the dedication that created this virtual replica of the NYC icon? You’ll have a real sense of achievement when you emerge gasping for breath onto the roof and collapse onto the sand.
Alternately, you may elect to take the lift from the lobby. This will take you on a bone-jarring journey with only a slight chance of a malfunction and plummeting demise.
If you are still feeling adventurous once you stagger from the lift or the stairwell, you can always leap from the rooftop in your beach gear – there’s nothing like it! Relax – parachutes are provided – and you get the reward of climbing the stairs and rattling up in the lift again. Win Win!
Quite the memory to share with your grandkids.